3 Useful Features in Screen Time

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Here are three useful features in the new screen time feature on iPhone.


Through this you can see how much time you spend on your phone in the past week, and see how much time you spent on each app every day.  You can also track see how many times you picked up your phone during the week, and how many notifications you had. This can help you keep yourself accountable and set goals to reduce how much use you give your iPhone on a daily basis. You can challenge yourself to reduce the amount of times you pick up and open your phone every day and week.


Downtime allows you to set a schedule for time away from your screen. So for example, if you don’t want to use social media apps in the morning you can set your downtime from 2am-9am which doesn’t allow you to use selected apps. Use this app to train yourself not to use your phone at critical times of the day where you need 100% focus.


App limits lets you set a daily time limit for app categories you want to manage. So if you want to reduce the amount of time you spend on Facebook and Instagram for example, you can set an hour app limit. Side tip: If you are a parent, you can set a passcode to control all of these things on your children’s devices.

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