Why Choose Apple Authorized? It Makes All the Difference

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iPhones, MacBooks, and iPads are made to last, but even the most careful of Apple users can drop their phone, have an update disaster, or crack a screen. What can safely be done to fix your Apple product without driving hours to the nearest Apple Store? That’s where The Orchard and its AASP program comes in. AASP stands for Apple Authorized Service Provider and it makes all the difference.

Understanding AASP

An Apple Authorized Service Provider is a business that provides repair services for Apple products. These businesses, like The Orchard, make Apple-certified repairs and use genuine Apple parts. This means you can use your Apple warranty and have peace of mind that the new Apple parts will work perfectly with your device.

Every repair is backed by Apple.

What’s Covered

In general, Apple’s warranty covers a wide range of issues that may pop up with your Apple device. Here’s a look at what’s covered by Apple for each of their products. 

What’s Next

If you are having trouble with your Apple device, make an appointment with The Orchard or call one of our technicians. Apple’s established support process will give us the information we need to best serve you. An appointment will allow us to quickly serve you when you arrive at our store. 

Setting an appointment allows us to verify and prepare for your issue and order any needed parts to shorten your wait time if possible. Before you bring in your device, remember to back it up if possible and record any passwords you make have saved.

Using an AASP is really about peace of mind. At The Orchard, you will get genuine Apple products, top qualified technicians, and the customer service that only a locally owned and operated business can provide.


Time To Graduate…To An Updated Apple Product


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